Endophytic fungi Eugenia dysenterica DC as biocontrol of plant pathogens in vitro / Fungos endofíticos de Eugenia dysenterica DC como biocontroladores de fitopatógenos in vitro.

Camilla Martins Malta, Eskálath Morganna Silva Ferreira, Cristiane Martins Coelho, Raphael Sanzio Pimenta


The antagonistic microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi) are able to exert an antagonistic effect on various pathogens being used to control various diseases of fruits and vegetables. This study aimed to isolate and test microorganisms present in Eugenia dysenterica DC against Aspergillus parasiticus, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and Monilinia fructicola and in vitro. Stems and leaves were collected from 30 specimens of cagaiteira. The samples were submited to a surface disinfection, according to the proposed by Rose, et. al, (2010). Fragments were inoculated on Petri plates containing the agar Potato 25-28 ° C for 60 days. 263 endophytic fungi strains were obtained, purified and assessed for their potential in to produce inhibitore volatile or diffusible substances. A total of 96 isolates showed antagonistic activity against plant pathogens. 45 isolates being able to inhibit the growth of A. parasiticus. Against the pathogen C. gloeosporioides 68 endophytes showed antagonist activity. Against the pathogen M. fructicola only 17 fungi were able to exert inhibitory effect. These isolates showed potential for the production of bioactive substances against these pathogens.


Eugenia dysenterica DC, antagonism, endophytic, phytopathogens


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18067/jbfs.v2i4.68


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J. Bioen. Food Sci., Macapá, AP, Brazil. eISSN 2359-2710

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