Path analysis for growth and grain yield of corn genotypes under different nitrogen doses

Lucas Alves Faria, Joenes Mucci Peluzio, Flávio Sérgio Afférri, Edmar Viní­cius de Carvalho, Michel Antônio Dotto, Eduardo Alves Faria


Path analysis allows the deployment of the correlation coefficient in direct and indirect effects, allowing the study of cause and effect of a characteristic over the other. As nitrogen influences the development of culture, can also influence the path analysis results. The aim of this work was to evaluate the plant height and their daily increment the vegetative stage (V6) until the reproductive stage (R1), and grain yield of twelve genotypes under three different levels of nitrogen in coverage, and the contribution of these characteristics on grain yield. Three experiments were conducted, and each one was represented by three levels of nitrogen in coverage, 20, 80 e 140 kg.ha-1. The experimental design was randomized blocks with twelve treatments and three replications. For the Path analysis, plant height 4 (AP4) and growth rate 3 (TX3) were the yield components that showed the highest total correlation with the yield (0.462 and 0.661; respectively), when it was used 20 kg N.ha-1. The G3 genotype had shown the best results, and the nitrogen significantly influenced the characteristics: plant height and grain yield with greater efficiency for the level 80 of nitrogen in covered.


Height, Increment, Phenological states, Zea mays, Tocantins


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J. Bioen. Food Sci., Macapá, AP, Brazil. eISSN 2359-2710

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