Food supplements containing coconut oil and safflower for treatment of obesity: your lipid profile and patterns interfering

Nadine Cunha Costa, Patrí­cia Silva Figueiredo, Diego Pereira da Silva, Aloisio Freitas Chagas Júnior, Gessiel Newton Scheidt


The use of dietary supplements based on plant oils have been used by thousands of people in the treatment of obesity, among them are coconut oil and safflower. However, most consumers do not have the proper guidance on the use of these oils. These lipid supplements have gained popularity for the promise that they could assist in weight loss, providing changes in body composition by reducing fat, in particular, located in the abdominal region. Therefore, the present study consisted of a literature review to assess the possible weight loss effects of coconut oil and safflower oil and their interfering in the patterns of the lipid profile. This was an exploratory and descriptive study with literature survey. Could not really finish the compounds present in these oils help in weight loss, because studies also show conflicting results, concluding that the realization of deeper and more elaborate research is needed to ensure safer and more consistent results to consumers by possible increased rates of LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides.


Cocos Nucifera L., Carthamus Tinctorius L., weight loss, fatty acids, alimentation


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J. Bioen. Food Sci., Macapá, AP, Brazil. eISSN 2359-2710

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