Production and analysis of a craft beer the base of corn

Sérgio Luis Melo Viroli, Joyce Thalita Francelino Vieira, Lércia Martins Carneiro de Sousa


The beer is a drink of widespread and intense consumption, being known in several countries in the world since antiquity. According to the Art. 64 of Law nº. 8.918, of July 14, 1994, defines beer as: "drink obtained by alcoholic fermentation of the must from Brewer's barley malt and drinking water, by action of the yeast, with addition of hops. The malted barley used in making beer and hops can be replaced by their respective extracts. Part of the barley malt can be replaced by cereals malted or not and per processed carbohydrates of plant origin or not. The present study aimed to produce and evaluate the quality of craft beer through the physicochemical analysis of pH, dry extract, density and total acidity and to demonstrate the feasibility of the production of beer from malt this cereal. The values for theses parameters were: pH (2.93); Dry Extract (4.233 g.L-1); Density (0.997 and acidity (2.46 meq.L-1). The values are within the standards established by legislation, which demonstrates viability in the production of corn-based beer.


Beer, alcoholic fermentation, malted cereals


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J. Bioen. Food Sci., Macapá, AP, Brazil. eISSN 2359-2710

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