Peanut (Arachis sp.) as a source in the Brazilian energy matrix
Biodiesel is a renewable and sustainable fuel. In recent decades the growing demand for energy and environmental awareness generates great interest in obtaining alternative fuels from renewable resources, such as biodiesel. All highlighting the new fuel requires a thorough study of all the productive chain. Among the oil that stands out, the peanut is a promising alternative for obtaining biodiesel. In this sense this study conducted documentary research on the oil crop peanut (Arachis sp.) Belonging to the biodiesel production chain, which is inserted in the National Agro-Energy Plan. Considering the vegetative, ecological and economic aspects of oilseed peanut regarding culture in the biodiesel production chain is of particular importance, due to be among the short cycle crops. However the economic viability becomes a standstill due to peculiarities involving the crop production system.
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J. Bioen. Food Sci., Macapá, AP, Brazil. eISSN 2359-2710
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