Evaluation sensory of canned matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) in vegetable oil

Caroline Dantas Mendes Silva, Caroline Roberta Freitas Pires, Diego Neves Sousa, Patrícia Costa Mochiaro Soares Chicrala, Viviane Rodrigues Verdolin Santos


The canning industry in Brazil has supply problems, since the extractive fishing sardine does not meet industry demand, causing the need to import fish from other countries. In this context, there is the proposal to use the matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) as an alternative to sardines (Sardinella brasiliensis) for the canning of fish industry. This work aimed to evaluate the nutritional and sensory quality and matrinxã cans in vegetable oil. To evaluate the acceptance we used three canned fish samples with vegetable oil coverage, as follows: matrinxã, freshwater and saltwater sardine sardines. A preference test and an acceptance hedonic scale of nine points was applied. There was no significant difference in preference between the matrinxã and freshwater sardines, however, the matrinxã and saltwater sardines differ significantly, and canned matrinxã was the most preferred. For the color attribute, flavor and overall impression there was no significant difference between the three fish, as for the taste attribute, matrinxã presented higher acceptance significantly differing from saltwater sardines. In the chemical composition, the matrinxã showed a protein content of 28.67%, moisture 51.67%, 15.67% and total lipids 2.67% minerals. Therefore, it is concluded that the matrinxã is a good option for canned fish industry, as presented good nutritional quality and high acceptance compared to traditional canned fish.


Fish. Brycon amazonicus. Quality. Centesimal composition.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18067/jbfs.v3i3.96


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J. Bioen. Food Sci., Macapá, AP, Brazil. eISSN 2359-2710

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